For this project, I was tasked with remixing a piece of art to make it relevant to current times. I chose to bring a modernized take to the painting Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi by turning it into a three-dimensional cubism inspired relief. Based on Gentileschi’s personal experience with sexual assault, I wanted to make a statement on the solidarity of women during the current Me Too movement by adding the hands of other women on Judith’s shoulders and the handle of the knife. I was proud of the way I was able to translate cubism into a three dimensional space, as I’ve never tried that style of art before. Cinema 4D and 3D print, 2019

Front view of rendered relief

Side detail views of rendered relief

3D print of relief on bristol board, front and side detail views

Revisions to original piece; added full bodies to hands and arms as well as making women in the background more detailed.